About Bliss

My Story

2020...a year we will NEVER forget! Most people will remember it for it's challenges, and I will as well, but I will also remember the good it brought. The pandemic was rough and I was tired of wearing sweats and only being seen from the neck up on zoom calls! I started thinking about how to get back in to the fashion world without going shopping in the traditional sense.  

I started telling all of this to Mr. Bliss, who I must say is a good sport! He has always been my biggest cheerleader! I told him I was thinking about starting a boutique and he was all in! He is the left brain and I am the right brain. He was doing all the logistics, thinking of names, talking to me in numbers, and I was over here dreaming and showing him pictures of shirts asking him which ones he thought were cute!

My passion is, and always will be, to provide trendy looks at affordable prices. Being a teacher "in real life", I know it can be tricky to find "work clothes" that won't break the bank. I am a full time teacher just running a boutique on the side and although I don't know each of you personally, I feel like I do! When I pack your order, I know your name and I am learning your style!

We appreciate you letting Bliss help with all your fashion needs! Thank you for supporting our small boutique and we look forward to serving you! When you shop Bliss, you truly are supporting our dream and we can't thank you enough!